The Annual Placer Artists Studios Tour is the largest and longest-standing Art Studio tour in the region, spanning a huge geography and featuring a diversity of art.
The Annual Placer Artists Studios Tour is the largest and longest-standing Art Studio tour in the region, spanning a huge geography and featuring a diversity of art.
The Annual Placer Artists Studios Tour is the largest and longest-standing Art Studio tour in the region, spanning a huge geography and featuring a diversity of art.
The Annual Placer Artists Studios Tour is the largest and longest-standing Art Studio tour in the region, spanning a huge geography and featuring a diversity of art.
School of Sculpture
Learn the rules... then break them!
A Gift that keeps giving - The Art of Sculpting

Holidays, Birthdays or Special Events?
Give someone you care about a gift that may last a lifetime.
My 20-hour class on The Art of Sculpting makes a wonderful gift for hoildays, birthdays, special events or just to say you care. Click on the button below and I will contact you with all the details. At that point, I will send you a gift certificate that you can present to the special person.
* Check with me if student is under 18 years-old.